Zebulon is a science-fiction themed face based on the title logo of TSR’s classic Star Frontiers game series. Includes full alphabet, extended characters, Euro. Includes condensed, bold, italic, bold-italic, hollow […]
Zentran is a modern ‘technical manual’ take on the Zentreadi language that showed up in the legendary Macross (or Robotech) animated series. This version is updated from Geidi Prime’s own […]
The fonts pages are under heavy construction pending the site’s update.
I’ve begun setting up this site’s “store” interface for purchasing font licenses, though I’ve got a long long way to go to get all my fonts entered, much less having their web-pages look nice and organized. The links below are direct purchase links to paypal for various font families. Note that I’ve also started to offer reduced pricing for some of the simpler, or more unusual-use fonts (such as alien or fantasy scripts).
If you need to register a font that currently isn’t listed below, you can still do so directly through Paypal. Commercial registrations cost $20 per font family with funds sent to jaynz@pixelsagas.com . When registering the font, please enter the name of the font being registered in the ‘note’ section of the payment information.
Please keep your emailed Paypal receipt as proof of purchase of the registration.
I apologize for the temporary inconvenience this site update may cause.
There is a paypal link next to the Videopac sample which will take you to purchasing a commercial license. The license is a one-time fee for ALL of your commercial uses (aside from reselling the font itself, of course) and will apply to this and all future versions of the font. I hope this helps!
Hi there,
I’m looking to purchase the font Cyberverse for commercial use. I don’t see it i your list, only for free download through dafont.com
Thanks so much
Cyberverse can be found on the Transformers font page http://www.pixelsagas.com/?page_id=930 . Registration is $20 and there is a paypal link provided following the face’s description.
Thank you
Thank you so much for making your fonts available we love them. We’re trying to access the italic version of Roddenberry off of fontspace, however, there is no link to it. When we do the download it is only for the non-italicized Roddenberry font. Would you be willing to e-mail us the file at sciencehelp@byu.edu. This is not for a commercial purpose. Thank you!
I’ll have Roddenberry’s download back up on this page either tonight or early tomorrow morning. Fontspace SHOULD have the newest version, and no idea why it wouldn’t, but I’ll be sure to get it updated tomorrow there as well.
Hello! I’m currently in the process of purchasing commercial licenses for the fonts I used for a webcomic. Unfortunately, I misread the licensing on your fonts, thinking we were OK to sell our comic. Now I see that that was a major no-no on my part, so here I am! Sorry. Here’s the fonts I used for the first issue: Fontana, Comic Book, Amuro, and Pixel Coleco. I know how much the first three cost, but I am having trouble finding the last one. I’ll be paying the rest by today, though. Hope to hear from you.
I very much appreciate your honesty, and your donations today came at a very good time. “Pixel Coleco” is part of the Pixels set and is 100 percent Freeware, so no registration required there. In fact, to thank you for your honesty, feel free to select any single font family on the site and consider it registered as well (just post here which one you’ve chosen). Thank you immensely!
Gat dang, you’re so cool. Thank you for being merciful on a man as scatterbrained as I. TuT I’ll take the Hauser font, if that’s alright. It looks pretty slick!
That’ll be fine. Feel free to enjoy it!
I paid for the Art Deco Dunkin font via paypal and I downloaded the zip file but I cannot figure out how to use it. I am not tech savvy. Do I have to import the font to a word doc? I open Dunkin Sans Bold and I see the example of different size fonts but I cannot type anything? Do I have to open another application to use this font?
If you’re in Windows, when you open up the font file, there should be an ‘install’ button at the font preview screen. You need to click that button to install the font onto your system. If you’re using another system, or older version of Windows, you need to move the individual ttf files in the zip to your fonts directory before you can use them.
Hope this helps!
I need to obtain a commercial license for Steiner font. I’ll make a donation. I totally overlooked that it was for “Personal Use” like an idiot and used it. Is it $20 like the others?
Let me know how I can make it right for you.
Yep, just go ahead and register the font on the Military/Stencil fonts page and we’re good. I’m really not that much of an ogre, I swear. 🙂 (But this
is how I’m buying my daughters’ Christmas gifts… so donations and registrations go to not making them cry!)
No Prob Jaynz. How do I register? Just by making a donation?
NM, Dumb question. I see it and purchased. Thanks for the great font. Much success to you.
Damn, I wish I could think of soeinhmtg smart like that!
Do you offer a commercial license for the comic book font?
Of course. The link to the license is available next to the font’s description and album image.
Hi There,
I would also like to get a license for the Comic Book Font, but don’t see it here. Can you please provide a link?
Scroll down about half-way on the page, past the not-yet-cleaned-up section.
How much is it for the commercial use of the Classic Robot font? I don’t see it here. I found it at http://www.1001freefonts.com/classic_robot.font. The donate link does not suggest a dollar amount.
Classic Robot is on the “Transformers” font page. It costs $20 to register for commercial use.
How much is it for the commercial use of the Pokémon or Pokémon Hollow fonts? I found it at http://www.dafont.com/pokemon.font.
That font has been replaced with “Ketchum”, which is currently $20 on the Pulp fonts page.
need a commercial license for sagas Steiner. Cant find it on your list here… how should I go about it??
Steiner is in the military/stencil fonts page. Just click on the link provided by the font name to purchase your registration.
Dear Jaynz,
I believe you are the creator of the optimus font. I’d like to buy a license to be able to use this font in my companies logo. Would I just send USD$20 to jaynz@pixelsagas.com?
Yep, it’s on the Transformers-related font page. Just click on the paypal link provided to order!
Hello, I am curious if you have an OTF version of Equestria available to purchase for commercial use. If so, how much? Thanks!
Yes, it’s in the pulp fonts page, available for $20.
Wondering how much the license for Roddenberry is? It’s an amazing font, and we really appreciate the free personal use! After further consideration, we are now hoping to use it for our company’s logo.
A one-time commercial license fee is $20 and easily paid through paypal from the Science-Fiction fonts page.
Hi – does your ‘commercial license’ for Equestria include web-use?
Yes. Yes it does. (I really need to get a FAQ soon…)
All your fonts are fantastic! Thanks for making them. Definitely considering licensing some for games I’m developing.
Look forward to hearing again from you! If there’s anything I can do to better fill your game development needs, please let me know. That is one big focus of the fonts on this site!
Thank you for your hardwork with these fonts.
I am currently developing a project and testing out several of your fonts.
When I’m ready to publish I will send my monies to the paypal link.
Again big fan. Thank you!
Thank you very much! Look forward to your business! If you need any help, please feel free to ask.