Gaming Dice

Today’s update is a little bit of cleanup again, thanks to leaving dice all over the place…

album_dpoly_imperialdPoly Imperial
This download includes the dPoly Imperial font, a new version of the popular dPoly Hexagon font which is designed specifically for fans of the Star Wars and similar series of role-playing games. The font includes “Aurebesh” style six-sided die in white and black, fate symbols, blank d12 and d8 symbols, and numerous Imperial and Republic symbols to make gaming in the galaxy a bit easier.
This download includes the dPoly Steampips font, a new version of the popular dPoly fonts now designed specifically for fans of the Steampunk genre. Steampips d6 includes gear-pip-style and Steamwreck-style six-sided die in white and black. It also includes FATE symbols for fans of that game system. Steampips d10 includes gear-pip-style dice, Steamwreck 00-90, and Steamwreck 0-9 dice in white and black.
album_dpoly_block_dicedPoly Block Dice
This download includes the dPoly Block Dice font, a new version of the popular dPoly Hexagon font which is designed specifically for fans of bloody fantasy football and similar games. The font includes pip-style and Gutcruncher-style six-sided die in white and black. It also includes fumble, block, both bock, and critical symbols in white or black.
DPoly is a collection of ‘game dings’ fonts family based on the common dice in role-playing games. Includes Four-Sider, Six-Sider, Eight-Sider, Ten-Sider, Twelve-Sider, and Twenty-Sider types. Each font has ‘white’ and ‘black’ versions of the dice and numerous additions.

Now includes symbols from the FATE system (and replaces the separate dPoly Fate font.)

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