Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bloque Davek

album_bloque_davekBloque Davek is based on the dwarven and ‘under-mountain’ runic scripts found in Wizards of the Coast’s Dungeons and Dragons fourth edition role-playing game. This version is stylized to resemble the types used on early printing presses. Includes all ‘canon’ glyphs. Includes regular, bold, italic, and bold-italic weights.

Beast Wars

album_beast_warsBeast Wars, as the name implies, is heavily based on the title font used for Hasbro’s Beast Wars toyline and television show – and has been repeatedly used for official Hasbro product! Includes full alphabet, extended punctuation, and Euro.


album_okudaOkuda is a tall and thin typeface based on the computer lettering (the LCARS system) created by Mike Okuda for Star Trek: The Next Generation. Includes full alphabet, extended punctuation, Euro. Includes bold, italic, and bold-italic faces.

Giedi Font Collection

album_giedi_compilationThis collection is an archive of Jim Sorenson’s symbol fonts based on writing found in Robotech and Transformers. The fonts include “Ancient Autobot”, “Decepticon Graffiti”, “Golden Disk”, “Maximal”, “Predacon”,  and “Zentran”.

This compilation replaces the individual fonts in the downloads section.



Starlord is a thick, angular font loosely based on the title logo of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Includes full alpha-numerics, extended punctuation, and Euro. Comes in regular and italic versions.

Pixel Calculon

album_pixel_calculonPixel Calculon
This classic style is based on the 1970s fake-computer text found all over science-fiction television shows, really bad movies, and lots and lots of advertising. Includes full alpha-numerics, extended punctuation, and Euro. Includes regular and italic styles.


Uptown is a classically-themed title-card face found in marquees and signage from the 1930s and 1940s. This is a bold, heavy face perfect for pulp-period projects. Includes full alphabet, numerics, euro, extended punctuation. Includes regular and italic faces.


My apologies for the lack of updates. I went on vacation and didn’t want to advertise that I was going to be away for awhile… Anyway, I am returned and will be working to update the site and remaining fonts over the next several days as I get caught back up.

For today, enjoy this LCD font from Transformers: Prime, completely reworked and cleaned up!

This wide technological font is based on the character lettering for Hasbro’s new Transformers: Prime figures. Includes lower case alphabet, accented characters, and Euro. Includes italic version.

Gin Rai

album_gin_raiGin Rai
This heavy-weighted typeface is based on the logo of Hasbro’s latter-era “Generation One” Transformers series. Includes regular and italic versions.


album_pixel_intvPixel InTV
This font is based on the default pixel-face from the classic Mattel Electronics Intellivision title screens. Includes full alphanumeric, punctuation, extended accent characters, and Euro.